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Naxos Archaeological Area 2017-07-26T13:53:56+02:00

Naxos Archaeological Area

Between Capo Taormina and Capo Schisò, the Giardini Naxos are a seaside resort close to what was the first Greek colony in Sicily: in fact Tucidide says that Naxos was founded in 734 BC by Calcidesi of Kalkis, guided by the Athenian Teocle, the first Greek who landed on Sicilian soil, and became the point where the colonization of the island began. It will be destroyed by the Siracusans of Dionysus in 403 BC.
On the headland of Capo Schisò, between figs of India and lemons, you can visit the archaeological site of Naxos. Of the two phases discovered about the evolution of the city, the one that presents the most significant finds dates back to the sixth and fifth centuries BC. with stretches of walls, dwellings, and parts of a temple dedicated to Aphrodite.