Partnership 2017-07-20T09:17:54+02:00


Partners of the Excellence Project “Sicilia Sacra Network” are:

The Vie Sacre in Sicilia, a project that started in 2014 and led to the creation of a network of all the thematic paths that develop in Sicily. “Vie Sacre” are routes that presume a sacred character and hiking practice, taking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela as an example, where the route – or the pilgrimage – has both an experiential and touristic connotation of places, encounters, hospitality, territories and involved communities.

For further information: / cell. 349 7362863

The Camino de Santiago de Compostela, the first and most popular Cultural Route recognized by the Council of Europe – born by the wake of the legend according to which the apostle James the Great visits Charlemagne in a dream, encouraging him to reconquer Spain that is occupied by the Arabs – emblematically represents the symbol of European unification.

For further information: / / 00 33 (0)4 71 07 00 20 / tel. 00 34 981 900 643 / 00 34 902 112 000

The Via Francigena, a great medieval path between Great Britain and Rome, recognized by the Council of Europe, follows the stages listed by Sigeric, Archbishop of Canterbury, around 990, in his travel diary when he made a return trip from Rome, where he received the pallium from Pope John XV. The Via Francigena, being by its nature via romea, constitutes the central axis of the three great peregrinationes maiores, or pilgrimages to the major sacred places of Christianity: Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela, Rome. It is also via giacobea, if crossed from south to north, by pilgrims heading Santiago de Compostela, who, once they arrived in Tuscany, could board in Luni, then Pisa, to reach southern France. But it is still via gerosolimitana, if you start from Rome and go on towards south: the devotion of Franks, Angles and especially Lombards to San Michele Arcangelo has always encouraged the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Mount Sant’Angelo, on the Gargano. Then they board in the ports of the Puglie, to reach the Holy Land.

For further information: / 0039 0523 492792 / 0039 0523 492793